
Showing posts from October, 2021

What is Law? Discuss. Definition given by various jurists?

 INTRODUCTION: It is easier to explain than to define it. It means that things are easy to explain than to define it. Definition is very necessary for the study of the subject, because the beginning and in one sense it ends is also its definition. To give a definition of Law is comparatively a hard task due to many reasons : In Hindu :In France :In Rome :In Muslim :Dharma Droit Jur. Hukma All these above words conveys different meaning. And we can say that a definition which contain all the above meaning and all elements would be a good definition of law. Endlly definition given by every person is always different. Because definition given by a lawyer a philosopher, a student or a lecturer is always different. A definition which doesn’t cover all these elements would be an in-perfect definition. DEFINITION OF LAW:- The word, “Law” has been taken from the ‘latin word’ which means “The body of Rules” various scholars has attempted to define this term according to their own prospectiv...

Objective, Function, Source and membership of WTO

  Objectives of the WTO   Preamble of the WTO Agreement   The ultimate objectives of the WTO are thus: (See US – Shrimp , the Appellate Body) 1.       the increase of standards of living; 2.       the attainment of full employment; 3.       the growth of real income and effective demand; and 4.       the expansion of production of, and trade in, goods and services.   According to the Preamble to the WTO Agreement , the two main instruments, or means, to achieve the objectives of the WTO are reciprocal and mutually advantageous arrangements on: 1.       the reduction of trade barriers; and 2.       the elimination of discrimination.   Functions of the WTO   1.       to provide the common institutional framework for the conduct of trade relations among its Members...

Origin and Development of the WTO

  The GATT 1947 and the International Trade Organization 1.        The USA in 1945 invited its allies to negotiate multilateral agreement on the reduction of tariffs in trade of goods. 2.        At the proposal of the United States, the United Nations Economic and Social Committee adopted a resolution calling for a conference to draft a charter for an ‘International Trade Organization’ (ITO). 3.        Preparatory committee met in London in 1946. 4.        The preparatory committee then met in Geneva from April – November 1947. The Geneva meetings were focused on three things: a.        preparation of a charter of the ITO. b.       negotiation of a multilateral agreement to reduce tariffs reciprocally. c.        drafting the ‘general clauses’ of obligations relatin...

Four Elements of Empowerment

There are thousands of examples of empowerment strategies that have been initiated by poor people themselves and by governments, civil society, and the private sector. Successful efforts to empower poor people, increasing their freedom of choice and action in different contexts, often share four elements: • Access to information • Inclusion and participation • Accountability • Local organizational capacity.   While these four elements are closely intertwined and act in synergy.  Thus, although access to timely information about programs, or about government performance or corruption, is a necessary precondition for action, poor people or citizens more broadly may not take action because there are no institutional mechanisms that demand accountable performance or because the costs of individual action may be too high. Similarly, experience shows that poor people do not participate in activities when they know their participation will make no difference to products bei...

Empowerment and its elements

  Defining Empowerment The term empowerment has different meanings in different sociocultural and political contexts, and does not translate easily into all languages. An exploration of local terms associated with empowerment around the world always leads to lively discussion. These terms include self-strength, control, self-power, self-reliance, own choice, life of dignity in accordance with one’s values, capable of fighting for one’s rights, independence, own decision making, being free, awakening, and capability—to mention only a few. These definitions are embedded in local value and belief systems. Empowerment is of intrinsic value; it also has instrumental value. Empowerment is relevant at the individual and collective level, and can be economic, social, or political. The term can be used to characterize relations within households or between poor people and other actors at the global level. There are important gender differences in the causes, forms, and consequences o...