What is Law? Discuss. Definition given by various jurists?
INTRODUCTION: It is easier to explain than to define it. It means that things are easy to explain than to define it. Definition is very necessary for the study of the subject, because the beginning and in one sense it ends is also its definition. To give a definition of Law is comparatively a hard task due to many reasons : In Hindu :In France :In Rome :In Muslim :Dharma Droit Jur. Hukma All these above words conveys different meaning. And we can say that a definition which contain all the above meaning and all elements would be a good definition of law. Endlly definition given by every person is always different. Because definition given by a lawyer a philosopher, a student or a lecturer is always different. A definition which doesn’t cover all these elements would be an in-perfect definition. DEFINITION OF LAW:- The word, “Law” has been taken from the ‘latin word’ which means “The body of Rules” various scholars has attempted to define this term according to their own prospectiv...