
Showing posts from April, 2018


General Background • The term "Judicial Activism" came into existence in the twentieth century to describe the act of judicial legislation i.e. judges involve in making positive law . • Judicial activism is the term used for the active role played by the court in a situation where statutory law is silent or even contrary. • In its early stage, judicial activism emerged in a form of judicial review, later on judiciary's active role in social life. Nowadays, public interest litigation (PIL) is an important area of judicial activism. • The present Constitution of Nepal provides fundamental rights provision for the special protection of women, children, aged, disable, marginal masses and disadvantage groups, and socio-economically deprived people . • It establishes an independent of judiciary equipped with the power of judicial review in order to realize social, political and economic justice. It has states that anyone can argue that right of locus standi has ...

Injunction its uses, effectiveness and challanges in course of Nepal

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