The Concept of “Dharma” contains the “Sanction of Law” and its “Rules” are always equally applicable to all alike, whether he / she may be a King / Queen or an ordinary citizen. “Law” is an instrument for establishment, maintenance, enforcement and promotion of “Dharma” in society, for maintenance, upholding and sustenance of order in society, for enforcement of rights, upholding of justice and redressal of wrongs as well as for bringing about all round sustainable development and prosperity of individuals, society, state, nation and world community.
The Concept of “Nyaya” or “Justice” contemplates “Victory of Dharma in all its features”, by giving each and every person what is due to him or her in accordance with the “Rules of Dharma”, for forcible defense of rights and suppression of wrongs, that is called “Real Justice”, which further contemplates immediate suitable punishment to the guilty or offender, suitable compensation to the victim and suitable award or reward to the person working for the “Victory of Dharma in all its features”.
The “Rule of Justice” fixes and determines the exercise of personal rights of individual liberty in the pursuit of individual welfare, happiness, development and prosperity, so as to confine that individual liberty within the limits which are consistent with the general welfare of mankind for all round sustainable development and prosperity of the society, state, nation and world community.
The Concept of “Nyaya” or “Justice” contemplates that, for proper administration of “Justice”, at the time of hearing and at the time of delivery of “Judgment” in each and every case, a “Judge or Judicial Officer” sitting at the “Throne of Justice” must always keep himself / herself free from the “Ten Kinds of Manava Durguna” (Human Vices), namely- 1. Irshya (Grudge), 2. Dwesha (Malice), 3. Krodha (Anger), 4. Lobha (Greed), 5. Moha (Delusion of Mind), 6. Purvagrah (Prejudice), 7. Pakshapat (Bias), 8. Bhaya (Fear), 9.Ghrina (Hatred), and 10. Ahankar (Empty Pride).
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